Class Teacher: Miss C Stinson
Classroom Assistant: Mrs E McCooke
SEN Classroom Assistant: Miss S Feeney
Miss C Stinson Mrs E McCooke Miss S Feeney
Welcome to P1!
We have been settling into the new routine of school life so well. Miss Stinson has been so proud of how brave the boys and girls have been. Playing together, making friends and enjoying the outdoors has been so much fun!
In Literacy, we have been learning through the theme ‘It’s Time to Rhyme.’ The children have been looking at lots of different nursery rhymes and completing activities around them.
We have:
Shared Reading
We are enjoying our Shared Reading time together and have been learning all about the adventures of Kipper, Biff, Chip, Mum, Dad and Floppy. Our favourite book so far is called ‘Look Out!'. Our favourite part of the story was when Kipper knocked down all of Mum's washing with his road ripper!
In writing, we have been learning how to write our names, using correct upper-case and lower-case letters. As part of our task time activities, we have been:
In Numeracy, we have been learning all about the numbers 1 and 2. We have completed some really fun activities and learnt a handy rhyme to help us with our number formation.
We have been:
We are also learning about 2D shapes. So far, we have met Suzy Circle, Sammy Square, Tracey Triangle and Ricky Rectangle!
During our Task Time activities, we have been:
Play-Based Learning
We love our daily sessions of Play-Based Learning both inside and outside of the classroom environment. Have a look at how much fun we have!